Beating Depression Naturally

Written by The Healthline Editorial Team Medically Reviewed on March 28, 2014 by George Krucik, MD, MBA Click here for article.

4 Simple Steps to End a Panic Attack

by Pati McDermott, CHT Panic Attacks Are Common When I first became certified as a Hypnotherapist in 1990, I was surprised by the number of people who came to me with anxiety and panic attacks. Many people experience panic attacks frequently and live their lives avoiding situations that frighten them, in many cases irrationally. … Continued

The Holistic Approach to Psychosis

by a Service User What if it were possible to: remove the stigma associated with the word schizophrenia and help bring peace of mind to those with mental health conditions? demonstrate that schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder and spiritual emergency ‘overlap’ and can sometimes occur at the same time? establish a more enlightened and compassionate approach to how … Continued

The Big A-Z List Of Complementary & Alternative Therapies

The Big A-Z list of Complementary & Alternative Therapies introduces over 60 holistic treatments for health and wellness. The major benefits of each approach are identified to help you choose the right treatment. The list is being constantly expanded.