Natural Healing of “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)”

The following are natural treatments for OCD which are practiced by various specialists. Charles Gant, N.M.D., Ph.D., M.D., Author of End your Addiction Now and ADD and ADHD Complementary Medicine Solutions My protocol: Theanine 500 mg. (green tea amino acid-inhibits glutamic acid) – 3000 mg/day GABA 500 mg – 3000 mg a day Phosadyllic (purified … Continued

Using Natural Remedies in theTreatment of Emotional and Mental States

by Gayle Eversole, DHom, PhD, CRNP, AHG Natural healing is an ancient practice, documented in cave paintings at least 80,000 years old. Through the ages more than three-fourths of the world’s population have relied on remedies from nature. Most people associate this approach with physical health needs. The healers of the past knew better: they … Continued


by Walter Lemmo, ND Vancouver, BC, Canada In the September 2001 issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry vitamin B6 (aka. pyridoxine) demonstrated significant benefit for the troublesome movement disorder tardive dyskinesia (TD) 1. For those people unfamiliar with this painful & crippling problem, TD is a neurological problem associated with antipsychotic or neuroleptic medications. … Continued

Nutritional Supplements For Treating “Bipolar Disorder,” “ADD,” and other Mental Health Conditions

Many companies have developed nutritional supplements that reportedly treat a variety of mental health problems. Below are some, provided for informational purposes only. Safe Harbor and do not endorse or recommend specific commercial products. 1) The most studied of these that we are aware of, with university research, is the supplement developed by TrueHope … Continued