Commentary on Nutritional Treatment of Mental Disorders

from Willam Walsh, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Walsh Research Institute (The following information is taken from Dr. William Walsh’s discussion on Safe Harbor’s “Integrative Psychiatry” email list for professionals. To preserve Dr. Walsh’s wealth of information, we have posted his comments here, with the notation of added commentary [with the date] as discussion goes on.) ADD/ADHD … Continued

The Role of Biofeedback in Treating ADD and other Mental Symptoms

by Philip Bate, Ph. D. (Important Note: At we stress the importance of finding the physical CAUSES of severe mental symptoms as this is the most certain way of understanding them and successfully treating them. However, it is understood that sometimes the causes can be elusive and only symptomatic treatment is available through … Continued

The Medical Evaluation Field Manual of the State of California: Basic Screening Procedures for Finding Medical Causes of Severe Mental Symptoms

By Lorrin M. Koran, M.D., Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,   Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 1991 Prepared for the California Department of Mental Health and Local Mental Health Programs Pursuant to Chapter 376, Statutes of 1988Assembly Bill The following Field Manual was compiled by order of the California legislature. It reveals that … Continued

Finding the Medical Causes of Severe Mental Symptoms: The Extraordinary Walker Exam

by Dan Stradford Founder, Safe Harbor Project “As a practicing psychiatrist and neurologist, I’ve successfully diagnosed and treated hundreds of patients whose emotional and behavioral symptoms were caused by tumors, infections, toxins, medication errors, genetic diseases, and other physical problems. Most of them came to me after being tagged with psychiatric labels – manic depression, … Continued

The Critical Role of Nutrients in Severe Mental Symptoms

by William Walsh, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Walsh Research Institute Each of us has innate biochemical factors which influence mental health, immune function, allergic tendencies, and more. Scientists tell us that the number of different genetic combinations possible in a child from the same two parents exceeds forty-two million. It’s interesting to note that we do … Continued


By Lorrin M. Koran, M.D., Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,   Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 1991 Prepared for the California Department of Mental Health and Local Mental Health Programs Pursuant to Chapter 376, Statutes of 1988Assembly Bill The following Field Manual was compiled by order of the California legislature. It reveals that … Continued

Psychiatric Presentations of Medical Illness

An Introduction for Non-Medical Mental Health Professionals Ronald J Diamond M.D. University of Wisconsin Department of Psychiatry 6001 Research Park Blvd Madison, Wisconsin 53719 Revised 1/7/2002 Editor’s note: The following is the finest article we have found on the subject of medical causes of severe mental symptoms. We are grateful to Dr. Diamond for his … Continued

Finding the Medical Causes of Severe Mental Symptoms: The Extraordinary Walker Exam

by Dan Stradford Founder, Safe Harbor Project “As a practicing psychiatrist and neurologist, I’ve successfully diagnosed and treated hundreds of patients whose emotional and behavioral symptoms were caused by tumors, infections, toxins, medication errors, genetic diseases, and other physical problems. Most of them came to me after being tagged with psychiatric labels – manic depression, … Continued