King County, WA, Ordinance Requiring Psychiatrists to Keep Track of How many People They Make Well

Passed Oct. 16, 2000. Ordinance 13974 Proposed No.-2000-0294.2                           Sponsors-Pullen, Fimia, Gossett and Irons                                      AN ORDINANCE improving customer service and performance measurement for clients in the publicly-funded mental health system; and adding a new chapter to K.C.C. Title 2. PREAMBLE: A Wall Street Journal article (New Weapons in the War on Schizophrenia, August 25, 1999) … Continued

The Role of Infections in Mental Illness

by Frank Strick, Clinical Research Director THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR INFECTIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS (The Research Institute for Infectious Mental Illness is no longer open.). In considering an infectious etiology to any chronic mental illness there are at least four categories to consider. First are those infections already recognized to induce psychiatric symptoms. These include pneumonia, … Continued

Conquering Anxiety, Depression and Fatigue Without Drugs – the Role of Hypoglycemia

by Professor Joel H. Levitt The Anxiety & Hypoglycemia Relief Institute voice-mail:212-479-7805 (For questions regarding anxiety & hypoglycemia and New York City classes, contact Prof. Joel H. Levitt Stress is often blamed as the root cause for anxiety, depression and fatigue, but, although stress can make any problem worse, the source of such … Continued

The Extraordinary Walker Exam by Dan Stradford Founder, Safe Harbor

by Dan Stradford Founder, Safe Harbor Project “As a practicing psychiatrist and neurologist, I’ve successfully diagnosed and treated hundreds of patients whose emotional and behavioral symptoms were caused by tumors, infections, toxins, medication errors, genetic diseases, and other physical problems. Most of them came to me after being tagged with psychiatric labels – manic depression, … Continued

Hyperthryoidism and “Bipolar Disorder” When Thyroid Imbalance “Masquerades” As A Mood Disorder

Case Study Highlights Clinical Similarity Between Hyperthyroidism And Mania by Great Western Laboratories Older patients who suddenly develop symptoms of bipolar disorder may actually be suffering from an undiagnosed thyroid disorder, suggests a recent case study reported in Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. Two physicians report the case of a 65-year-old man with no personal or family … Continued

Homeopathic Treatment of Bipolar Disorder:

A Case Study by Tim Shannon, N.D. Female, 44 yrs old 12/15/99 Diagnosed Bipolar in 1982 S: I’m really tired when I get up, I’m really tired waking up – have to get up @ 5:30. Even if go to sleep early, after 10 hours of sleep, wake tired. I am manic depressive. I’ve … Continued

Homeopathy and Its Role in Treating Mental and Emotional Problems

<h4>by Hannah Albert, N.D.</h4> 4464 Fremont Ave N Suite 104 Seattle, WA   98103 206-650-9197   Origins of Homeopathy Samuel Hahnemann was a German physician, linguist and scholar living in the early 1800’s who was frustrated with the medicine of his time. He noticed that medicine often had the effect of making patients sicker, whether … Continued

Herbs for Treatment of Emotional and Mental States

By Gayle Eversole, DHom, PhD, RN (CP) Over the past decade much has put attention on the use of herbs in the treatment of mental and emotional difficulties. Probably the most well known herb now, because of all of this commotion, is Saint John’s Wort. As a longtime medical herbalist, I look over all … Continued

Flower Essences for Emotional and Mental Well Being

by Gayle Eversole, DHom, PhD, CRNP, AHG This is Part II in 3-part series on herbal treatments for mental health by Dr. Eversole) This article is translated into Belorussian at international/flowers- alternativementalhealth-be/   Get past issues of Alternative Mental Health News Here In Part I, I made reference to Plato, speaking in his … Continued