Article Category: Schizophrenia

Twenty-Nine Medical Causes of “Schizophrenia”

Excerpted from Nutrition and Mental Illness by the late Carl C. Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D. Internationally renowned pioneer in the treatment of mental disturbances through nutrition. (Our grateful acknowledgement to the Princeton Bio Brain Center for permission to reprint. Following Dr. Pfeiffer’s text are sections added by the editor to define and explain each disorder.) The … Continued


Raymond J. Pataracchia, B.Sc., N.D. Naturopathic Medical Research Clinic 20 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite#441 Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4P 1A9   (Note: This article is in two parts. Part Two begins after the citations at the end of Part One.) [Published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 2008: 23(1): 21-28] Introduction Various segments of the … Continued

Nutrient Cocktail for Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder

The following is from J.P. Saleeby, MD, of Savannah, Georgia (Contact info at the end – for further info, his practice is on our site directory at Below are comments from several emails he sent, plus an article he wrote on this remedy. I have been having success treating schizophrenia with intravenous use of … Continued

Natural Recovery from Schizophrenia

The following article was originally published in the New York Times on Sunday, March 10, 2002, in response to the release of the film A Beautiful Mind. We wish to thank Dr. Harding and the New York Times for permission to reprint. Dr. Harding is one of the world’s foremost authorities on natural recovery from … Continued

Classical Homeopathic Management of Schizophrenia

Naturopathic Medical Research Clinic (N.M.R.C.) Toronto, Ontario Copyright © 2002 by Raymond J. Pataracchia B.Sc., N.D Homeopathic medicine is sometimes employed and cited in literature as an important part of therapy for severe mental illness including schizophrenia. Anecdotal evidence over the past two centuries leaves us supportive evidence in favor of using classical … Continued

Optimal Dosing for Schizophrenia

Raymond J. Pataracchia, B.Sc., N.D. Naturopathic Medical Research Clinic 20 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite #441 Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4P 1A9 [Published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 2005; 20(2), 93-99.] Introduction Neuroleptics are tranquilizers (major sedatives) that block brain neuron transmission at the receptor level.1 Neuroleptics can be useful during acute episodes of schizophrenia … Continued

Self-Help Tips for Those Who Hear Voices

Taken from the National Empowerment Center Web site: Some research suggests that if you put a rubber band around your wrist and snap it each time the distressing voices start, they will decrease in intensity and/or frequency. Some people have found it particularly helpful to use “I statements”. For instance, if a voice begins … Continued