Events for March 2025 › Webinar › – Alternative Mental Health

Latest Past Events

9th annual Integrative Medicine for Mental Health Conference (IMMH)

Dallas, TX

This four day conference for practitioners will review some of the most important biomedical factors that contribute to symptoms of disorders like autism, ADHD, depression, anxiety, Alzheimer's disease, and more. It will also present evidence-based diagnostic and treatment options (primarily non-pharmaceutical), that have been effective in reducing symptoms for patients and improving their mental health … Continued

The Great Plains Laboratory, Inc. Presents: GPL Academy Master Practitioner Workshop

chicago, IL

This special three-day workshop will provide in-depth information about some of our most popular and clinically useful tests, so you can better incorporate them into your practice. Tests covered in this workshop include the Organic Acids Test, GPL-TOX (Toxic Non-Metal Chemical Profile, Glyphosate Test, GPL MycoTOX Profile, and more.

International Certification Training in Dialogic Practice: Module 4


The 2017-2019 International Certification Training Program in Dialogic Practice meets the international standards for full training in Open Dialogue.  Faculty includes Jorma Ahonen, MSc, Nazlim Hagmann, MD, Mary Olson, PhD, Peter Rober, PhD and Jaakko Seikkula, PhD, together with international guest speakers. This three-year program is delivered in four intensives per year and taught by the … Continued