Elika Kormeili, MFT
Los Angeles, CA, United States
101 South Main Street Los Angeles California 90012 US
Practitioner type

Online and/or in office therapy sessions for Adolescents/Adults specializing in:
Pain Management
Stress Management & Adrenal Fatigue
Parents of Children/Teens with ADHD
Emotional Eating
Behavioral Disorders
Multicultural Counseling
Online Counseling

Support patients coming off psychiatric drugs ?
Yes, by providing thought and behavioral modification
Comments about supporting patients coming off of psychiatric drugs.

Can only support California patients who are working with a medical doctor to come off psychiatric drugs. I can always provide referral if needed.

If you are not on psychiatric drugs, I can offer a complimentary 20 minute consultation over the phone to determine if we are a good fit.

Elika Kormeili, MFT 7 years ago
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